Our curriculum is play based and emergent, with a focus on eco literacy and social emotional literacy.

Our forest and nature school programs are not meant to replace formal education, but rather to supplement it. Children can attend up to three days per week to complement their alternative education journey, or attend one day per week to complement their traditional schooling journey. 

Our approach centers around the interests of the children and what they are most curious about. Provocations are woven into each day, and learning occurs naturally. 

We believe the environment is the primary teacher, and our educators act as facilitators, guiding the children through meaningful experiences. 

Why Is Ecoliteracy Important? 

We aim to encourage children to be mindful of how humans, creatures, and plants are connected to one another. This helps them gain an understanding of the natural systems that make life on earth possible, and what is required for their survival.

We believe that by educating children to become responsible environmental stewards, we can contribute towards building a more sustainable society.

Why Is Social Emotional Literacy Important? 

Our goal is to help children develop the ability to understand and express their emotions, as well as to actively listen and empathize with others. 

We believe that emotional intelligence and effective communication skills can enhance quality of life, strengthen relationships, and foster a sense of community.